Motion is a great plugin in Figma to work with noble to complex animations. It's simply awesome and cool. Had done many projects in it. I love it.
Congratulations for your contribution. I think Motion add huge value to Figma exprerience and it eases designers life, so thanks for that :)
I would like thank you for the effort to be able to use motion function easily in Figma
Thanks for developing this great plugin to help improve my communication with engineers.
I must commend you for your great work with your motion plugin, it's wonderful.
Thank you for your incredible work on this plugin.
Btw very cool plugin :)
I appreciate your motion plug-in. It is very easy but useful solution.
Thanks for this amazing Animation Tool. Its a big pleasure to work with it.
It's a great plugin
I just wanted to say thanks for such a great plugin! I'm very early in my transition into motion design so I was looking at options and found this gem within Figma so was very pleasantly suprised to come across it.
Thank for your work on motion plugin.